due to covid-19, in-person programs at our physical locations are on hiatus.
Stay-at-Home Creative Writing

“I had a fun time…
I could be myself, unlike at school…
I could connect with my whole life and think from the heart.”
“I had a fun time…
I could be myself, unlike at school…
I could connect with my whole life and think from the heart.”
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, our physical locations remain closed. After a fantastic summer of online workshops, we're busy planning new online workshop opportunities. Even though we won't be together in person, there's never been a better or more important time for us to build our community, stretch our imaginations and write stories to share with the world!
BE SURE TO CHECK BACK HERE IN THE FALL (or JOIN OUR MAILING LIST to get updates in your inbox) TO Catch OUR WORKSHOP OFFERINGS as they become available!
"Fearless Ideas Online is space where we can connect and write together virtually!"
Examples of past Workshops during the Pre-COVID Days ranged from writing on Washington State ferries to storytelling through jump rope and dance. We're applying that same spirit of adventure to our online workshops, and we're optimistic that we'll be able to offer in-person workshops again soon!
(Click a slide to enlarge it!)

........................................... In this Summer 2018 Workshop (out of our Greenwood location), participants crafted bouquets from fresh cut flowers and then, accompanied by an adult, exchanged them with library visitors for a story. They transcribed the stories in their own words, which were bound into a lovely chapbook they could take home.

........................................... In this Fall 2017 Weekend Workshop (out of our Yesler Terrace location) participants learned about the history of using quilts to share messages. After getting crafty with fabric and words, everybody made their own mini-quilt with their stories woven in it.

........................................... In this Summer 2018 Workshop (out of our Greenwood location), participants explored the intertidal ecosystem at Carkeek Park to practice writing from their senses and using the tools of writerly observation.

........................................... In this Summer 2018 Workshop (out of our Greenwood location), participants crafted bouquets from fresh cut flowers and then, accompanied by an adult, exchanged them with library visitors for a story. They transcribed the stories in their own words, which were bound into a lovely chapbook they could take home.