Leone Spyropoulos

Mar 23, 2021

March 16: CommuniTEA!

CommuniTEA is our weekly virtual program where students (2nd to 8th grade) and mentors meet to share feelings, write and create together. Enjoy our CommuniTEA update below:

As students came into CommuniTEA last Tuesday, they were invited to go on a scavenger hunt around their home to find one object that means something to them. When everyone returned, we shared what that thing means to us. Read below for our responses!

  • Seashell, joyful.

  • Yukalalay, it was my first instrument and it's from my mom.

  • I shared my sketchbook because it feels like home.

  • Nintendo Switch, Entertained.

  • My hand, it makes me feel happy.

  • Book of Dog Stickers, Tender and Sweet.

  • My baby book, it makes me remember my childhood and fun memories!

  • Fearless Ideas Can-Phone; makes me feel Summery-Creative.

  • LAX Stick, active.

  • Harry the Husky toy, full of memories.

  • Cards, Visually appealing.

  • A little F1 race car without the back wing, it makes me feel younger because I'm still young.

  • Wooden plaque with Calvin and Hobbes quote from my wedding, feel sweet and warm!

  • Paper lantern- beautiful and made with love.

  • Puppets made by my daughters; nostalgic.

  • Keyboard makes weird noises that I like.

  • Mine is my mom's stuffed animal, and it's a dog. Her name is Koro-chan, and it makes me remember Japan :D It also smells a bit like my Japanese grandparent's home, so I like that.

  • Pictures of my dog, loving.

  • Small coffee cup that belonged to my dad, it makes me feel nostalgic.

  • One of my first toys that is still around, Happy.

  • My object is a picture of me and my sister arguing about who has a bigger blizzard in the DQ parking lot, and it makes me very happy knowing that we have a strong bond. :)

  • My drums, it makes me feel like I am a rock star!

  • Mine is the third Harry Potter book that I just got today and it makes me feel excited for the new adventures.

  • Paintbrush, floods ideas into my brain.

  • My '24 Game' makes me feel like I can grow from my mistakes, and that even though I don't always come up with a correct answer, I can always learn from what I did wrong and improve.

  • A gift from my grandma, makes me feel loved and makes me remember my childhood.

  • My guitar because it makes me feel creative.

These objects are so awesome! We'll come back to those for a creative writing exercise later on.

We were then introduced to one of our special guests present in the meeting that day: Chris, BFI staff member, there to share information about the Seattle Odyssey literary scavenger hunt. He let us know that this amazing event will be staring on March 24 - and we are all invited to participate by forming a scavenger hunt team with our family! We're looking forward to discovering more about this in the coming weeks.

After this fun announcement, Chris worked with a group of students that had volunteered to record different literary challenges for the Seattle Odyssey!

While those brave students recorded, the rest of us were whisked away to a breakout room and returned to the idea of our meaningful objects from earlier. We each wrote a letter to the object describing how it makes us feel, what it looks like and/or what memories we have associated with it. Read below for some creative student pieces and lines from their writing!

  • Dear vase, every time I look at you, it reminds me of the day I got you. It was my fifth birthday and the sun was beaming on the hot sunny day. I was in Ethiopia.

  • Dear my baby book, you make me smile. When it's been a tough day or I need something to boost my happiness, I look to you.

  • You remind me of happiness.

  • Thank you for letting the light shine through all your different plants, casting shadows on the walls that dance.

  • Dear puppets - you were made by Tess and Greer when they were 7 and 4. You probably remember that, though.

  • Seashell, seashell, standing on the beach, sand between my toes, sun burning my freckled cheeks.

  • Red car black wheels running around the track

  • You were sparkly but dull, heavy but light.

  • I am very lucky that an elf brought you to my house.

  • Dear hand, you are a very important body part.

  • I am happy to have you because you make me happy when I win games or play at all!

  • There are so many things I'm scared of -- walking down giant hills, unknowns to shine a light on. And through the journey I'm grateful you exist to remind me that people are who get us through.

  • Her arms are always wide, to welcome you with love.

  • Dear pen, I love you because there is no other object that I could love. I just found you today and I drew with you. It was fun.

  • Dear cards, the way every detail is printed on to and the way you glisten, fill me up with energy and happiness.

  • A redwood table my mom made for me, to steady my work and center my celebrations.

  • You are awesome, thanks for letting me pound you. You are round and big and awesome.

  • Dear chuy, I love you. You are cute!

We loved listening to everyone's stories and hearing them share their memories of important things from throughout their lives!

At the end of our session, our other session guests, Mandy and Carly from Rain City Rock (our local community partners) were there to share an exciting opportunity for students: exploring identity through developing their own unique mini-podcast or song! Students were so thrilled to learn about this event that will be happening in the coming weeks!

We're excited to have all of these fun, creative things to do in the next few weeks and month!

This week's tea recommendation: Trader Joe's Red Refresh Herbal Tea!

Until next time!

Created, Edited and Posted by Leone, Fearless Ideas Student Mentor

CommuniTEA summary by Leone